At the beginning of the story, the narrator already said that "This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story."
So, don't expect it to be a movie full of happy lovey dovey couple, filled with kisses and all.

The story is about Tom Hanson and Summer Finn. They met when Summer starts working as an assistant in Tom's office. Tom falls in love at the first sight. Since that moment he starts to get her attention. And after a kiss in a photocopy room, they started seeing each other. But the problem was Summer, she always said that "she's not looking for anything serious" and she said this every time to Tom when he seems to get his hopes high.
The story goes back and forth to the 500 days that Tom has with Summer. He was remembering the sweetest time to the hardest.
When Summer leaves him, he started to loose his spirit to work and looses his creativity as a greeting card writer. He became so gloomy and kinda desperate. At last he quits his job.
One day, he met Summer again in a friend's wedding and she asked him to come over her place for a party. He already thought of good things, his hopes were high, that they would be together again. But he was wrong. On that party he found out that Summer is engaged and getting married really soon.
After the marriage, they met again and Tom asked "You never wanted to be someone's girlfriend, and suddenly you're someone's wife." I don't know what's wrong with her, but her answer was quite harsh,
Summer : I woke up one morning and I just knew.
Tom : Knew what?
Summer : What I was never sure of you.
Wow, that would really hurt.
But maybe they're just not meant for each other. At the beginning I liked Summer, but at the end I hated how she treats Tom. How she gives him hopes and leaves him, just like that.
Overall, I like this movie so much, it's worth the wait to watch it.