Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ramadhan Segera Tibaaa...

Yup, Ramadhan sudah di depan mata....
Mari sambut dengan gembiraaa...Yaaayyy...

Alhamdulillah gak sampe 1 minggu lagi udah Ramadhan lagi, udah saatnya kita mulai bersiap-siap untuk beribadah sepenuh hati, meluangkan waktu untuk lebih banyak beribadah dan menyucikan hati untuk memaafkan semua orang yang pernah bersalah pada kita.

Mudah-mudahan kita semua bisa menjalani dan melaksanakan semua ibadah di bulan ini dengan hati yang bersih sampai di hari kemenangan.

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa di bulan Ramadhan taun ini yaa semuanyaa...
Smoga amal ibadah kita dapat diterima Allah SWT...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


by Cokelat

Usahku menepis rasa
Rindu yang mendera jiwa
Kau buat aku tersiksa

Bayangnya trus menghampiri
kemanapun ku coba pergi
kemana harus sembunyi

[hooww wooouuu...]
Lemahku lemah
Tak berdaya

Salahkah bila
Ku tak henti mengharapkannya
[hooww woouuu...]
Meskipun akhirnya
Ku tahu dia hanya membuatku terluka

Bayangnya trus menghampiri
kemanapun ku coba pergi
oh,adakah dia perduli

lemahku lemah
tak berdaya

[howw wooouuu...]


Keep feeling this way
don't know how to end it...

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Weekend to Remember...

Yup, last weekend was really fun!!!

I went to Bandung on Friday afternoon, planning to meet my college friends and my cousins.

On Saturday I went to my friend's house, kaka Dian, and after that we head to Putri's house. We stayed there for a while, while chatting to update everything that has happened in our lives. later, Ayu and Gagay came. After that we went out to dinner at Warung Pasta.
After that, I joined my cousins at Paris Van Java. There we Karaoke...hehehe...well, this time it's not really fun because there were too many people we don't know there, which was my cousins friend. After that, we went to Madtari to have a late night dinneer...hehehe....
With full stomach, we had photo session at dago street, where there was a writing of "bdg".

The next day, we went to get a train ticket for my cousins and after that we had breakfast at Bubur Ayam Zaenal.
Later in the afternoon, my cousin's friend, Jawa, and my other cousin's boyfriend joined us. Then we went to Secret Factory Outlet. we were just window shopping. After that, we had snack time..yippie...we had Ice Durian, which was really delicious! After that we go to a photo studio to get some photo shot. it was great! after that we had dinner at Bebek Darmo. Then, we do some more karaoke...hahaha...to fulfill our disappointment on the previous day. after that we were preparing a surprise for my cousin, Icha's birthday. We set some scenario to make it succeed. We did it at Atmosphere Cafe. It was really fun. We all pushed her to a fish pod...hehehe...she was very upset and made us all wet. bad news was, both he cell phone was broken.

On monday, we were getting ready to go back to jakarta, with really heavy heads and eyes. because we got to bed really late the previous night. my two cousins went back using train. while i was using a shuttle service back to Jakarta.

So that was a nice weekend to remember...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Just an update on my so called life...

well, it's been quite a while since i wrote on this lovely blog....

nothing significant has happened in that 'while'...

I'm just still searching and struggling for the right job for me and my future. While doing that, I asked for permission from my current employer, where I teach there once a week, well I didn't tell them that I'm having tests here and there for another job, I just told them that I will be out of town for a while doing some personal matter. it's been three weeks since I said that. I don't know what they are thinking now...

During this three weeks, I've had a chance to have a trip to Bandung. OOouughh...how I missed that city...I spent about four days there. I contacted some friends and met one of them. I met Bunga, my college friend. Got some news updates on my friends. Well, some of them were heading abroad to gain their master's degree. which i envy so so much. I also wanted to go abroad and get more knowledge out there. I also met my housemates, really missed those moments when we were still living together.

Now, I'm still here in Jakarta. Waiting for results of the tests I've followed. Keep praying for the best results. I just wish to get what's best for me...