Thursday, January 25, 2007

can't get him out of my head

well, i dunno why but i just can't get him outta my head! the more i try to forget him, the more he comes to my dreams and thoughts. he was not always around, but it seems like he is always on my way in everything. there are times when i missed sharing with him, chatting with him, and meeting him once in a while...
i just keep imagining him in my life even just as a friend (because i know he has someone beside him now)...
these days i dream to work with him in the same company...i hope it can happen someday...

sometimes i just can't help my self to see his profile and photos in FS, and it is just to make my heart happy...
sometimes i just can't help my self to send him an SMS...just to greet him hello...and be very greatful when he replies it...

when i think i'm gonna stop tryin' to forget him and just keep him in my heart for a little while...and just let it flow...
he can stay forever or leave when ever he wants to...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Watching leader in action!

Hmmm...judul yang menarik ya...
emang ini kegiatan yang menarik...
jadi ceritanya ada satu mata kuliah di SBM, Leadership, yang ngasih tugas ke kita-kita buat ngikutin seorang pemimpin di perusahaan-perusahaan besar...
setelah sempat terkatung-katung beberapa lama (alias gak tau mau "ngikutin" siapa), gw ama temen gw andien dikirim ke Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) di Cibitung....Nemuin National Supply Chain Manager di situ, namanya Pak Bambang Setiawan.
He was a good leader, he can give good supervision to his subordinates to achieve the company's goal.
menurut anak buahnya sih dia ini orangnya kebapakan, jadi dia selalu ngebelain anak buahnya yang salah dan mengakui itu sebagai kesalahannya ke atasannya. tapi ini juga jadi kekurangannya dia, jadinya anak buahnya gak biasa menanggung akibat dari kesalahan2nya...walaupun dia tetep negur dan ngasih peringatan ke anak buahnya.
Selain itu dia orangnya sangat Task Oriented, tapi People nya tetep bagus...he can maintain good relationship with his peers and subordinates...

Pesan dia buat kita-kita calon leader masa depan....
1. Work Smart, don't just work hard!
2. Have Competence
3. Have the ability to develop people

Well actually I am really hoping that one day I could be a great Leader....
for myself, my organization, my country....