Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I write

I write, when I don't really wanna talk..

I write, when there are just so many things in my head that I don't know how to say it out loud..

I write, when nobody listens
I write, when I don't want anyone to listen
I write, when I don't want an answer

I write, when I wanted to scream, but i don't dare to disturb anyone

I write, when my heart is crying
I write, when I'm confused

I write, when I fall in love
I write, when I'm very happy, that I wanna look at it again one day and smile :)
I write, when my heart is singing the same song over and over again...

I write because my heart told me to
I write because I wanna be heard
I write because I wanna share my thought

At time, I write, just because I wanna write..

~Jakarta, 08082010


ahmadsyah bio said...
