Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year Resolution

The year 2008 nearly ends..
There's so many things that I have experienced this year, good things, bad things, happiness, sadness, pride, disappointment, all those feelings that mad me a better person.

So, in this upcoming year, of course I'm really hoping to become an even better person.
Getting closer to all my dreams, or even reach one or more of them. Learn more new things, get more knowledge in lots of new things. Become more religious, do more ibadah, learn much more about Islam to have a more beautiful life...
Try to accept all the consequences from all the things that I've done before.
Be Healthy, do exercises, more sports, eat right, in order to have a healthier and fit body.
Loving my family and friends more and more. Make new friendships.

Hopefully every little thing in my life would be more and more better, Amin...