Today, a year ago, was my graduation ceremony day...
It means, it has been a year long since I was officially graduated...
Well, it also means that it has been a year I am unoccupied or jobless..Hahaha...
well not actually jobless, I got part time jobs...
It also been a year full of struggling in recruitment processes, often failing...
But I really hope that this struggle will come to an end eventually.
I'm just hoping and praying for the best to come....
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Menunggu adalah salah satu hal yang paling menyebalkan di dunia...huaaaaa....
apalagi setelah menunggu lama kita mendapatkan berita mengecewakan tentang hal yang sedang kita tunggu.
Ceritanya nih, gw lagi ngikutin proses rekrutmen di salah satu perusahaan besar di Indonesia. Proses rekrutmen ini tergolong amat sangat panjang karena prosesnya terdiri dari 7 (TUJUH) tahap. Can you imagine that!!??!! Hahahaha...Pasti males banget kan ngebayanginnya...hehehe..
Sekarang gw udah ada di tahap ke 5, yaitu wawancara user. Di tahap ini kita di pertemukan dengan beberapa orang HRD dan user kita nantinya kalo diterima kerja di perusahaan ini. Nah, setelah mengetahui kita lolos ke tahap ini melalui website, kita akan dihubungi melalui telepon untuk memberitahukan jadwal wawancara kita.
Pada saat itu gw udah mulai mengalami yang namanya MENUNGGU. Gw kan sempet contact ama temen-temen lain yang juga ikutan test ini, dan beberapa dari mereka udah di hubungi. Itu yang bikin gw panik, bertanya-tanya "Kok gw gak ditelpon-telpon ya?". Sekitar 3 hari setelah pengumuman barulah gw dihubungi via telpon. Gw diberitahu untuk hadir wawancara pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2008 jam 08.00 pagi di gedung management perusahaan tersebut.
Jadi dengan bermodal kepercayaan diri, datanglah gw pada hari tersebut dengan sangat bersemangat. Gw sampai di gedung itu jamg 06.40 (Hahahaha...pagi banget!) Ini sih karena pertimbangan takut macet dan sebagainya lah, bukan karena gw sangat bersemanagat loh...hehehe...
Sesampainya disana penantian gw pun dimulai...
Setelah menunggu sekitar 1 jam, akhirnya ada seorang petugas yang datang menghampiri kita. Memberikan beberapa form yang harus kami isi. Gw dan teman-teman seperjuangan gw sampe bertanya-tanya, "apa mereka gak nyimpen data kita ya? sampe kita harus ngisi data diri berkali-kali gini...". Tapi kami gak bisa berbuat apa-apa selain ngisi tu form.
Penantian pun berlanjut. Selesai mengisi form, kami diinstruksikan untuk menuju ke lantai 3, tempat ruang wawncara berada. Setelah menuggu beberapa lama, kami di beri daftar absen. Di list itu nama gw ada di urutan 12 dari 14 orang...HUaaaaa...udah bete aja gw, pasti lama banget tuh nunggu nya...
Saat menunggu giliran wawancara, gw sempet kenalan ama peserta test yang lain. Ternyata yang wawancara hari ini semua dari Ekonomi, ada yang akuntansi, ada yang manajemen. Kita semua dari uni yang berbeda-beda. Jadi obrolan pun jadi beragam.
Di sela-sela waktu kami menunggu, datang lah sebuah kabar dari seorang rekan yang sudah selesai di wawancara. Dia mengabarkan bahwa kami semua yang diwawancara di minggu kedua ini sudah pasti tidak diterima sebagai MT (Management Trainee), Ugh...Sebel gak sih dengernya...kita semua hanya ditawari jabatan Fungsional, which is Staff Biasa. Hahaha...that was the phrase of the day. Semuanya jadi kehilangan semangat dan mulai bete. Tapi untungnya ada salah satu dari kami yang mulai bikin joke-joke tentang kenyataan kami gak akan jadi MT, ini bikin suasana jadi cair kembali. Semua jadi tampak lebih fresh lagi. Setelah ngobrol ngalor ngidul lagi, gak terasa waktu udah menunjukkan pukul 12.00 siang. Salah satu pewawancara mengabarkan kalo kami akan istirahat dan akan dimulai lagi pukul 12.30. Jadilah kami pergi untuk istirahat, sholat dan makan siang. Setelah sholat, ternyata udah jam 12.20, jadilah gak sempet makan siang. Akhirnya kita langsung ke atas lagi. Untungnya tadi sempet dibagikan snack, jadi lumayan ada ganjel..hehehe...
Lalu, penantian pun berlanjut. Ternyata wawancara baru dimulai lagi pukul 13.00...ngaret setengah jam, sangat Indonesia lah yaa...
Tiap orang yang keluar dari ruangan pasti langsung kami serbu dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan "ditanyain apa aja tadi" "ditawarin ke bagian apa" "Loe jawabnya gimana?" yaaa something like that...
Akhirnya sampai juga giliran gw, jam udah menunjukkan pukul 15.00...hahaha...udah keburu lecek banget gw...
Di dalam ruangan, gw ditanya soal interest gw di bagian mana, trus pengetahuan gw tentang interest gw itu. Mostly, gw bisa jawab, walaupun ada beberapa yang agak terbata-bata.
So, in conclusion gw telah menunggu selama sekitar 8 jam untuk sebuah wawancara yang hanya berlangsung sekitar 20 menit. Hahahaha....
I hope it all worth it, and I'll be accepted in this company...Hopefully....
apalagi setelah menunggu lama kita mendapatkan berita mengecewakan tentang hal yang sedang kita tunggu.
Ceritanya nih, gw lagi ngikutin proses rekrutmen di salah satu perusahaan besar di Indonesia. Proses rekrutmen ini tergolong amat sangat panjang karena prosesnya terdiri dari 7 (TUJUH) tahap. Can you imagine that!!??!! Hahahaha...Pasti males banget kan ngebayanginnya...hehehe..
Sekarang gw udah ada di tahap ke 5, yaitu wawancara user. Di tahap ini kita di pertemukan dengan beberapa orang HRD dan user kita nantinya kalo diterima kerja di perusahaan ini. Nah, setelah mengetahui kita lolos ke tahap ini melalui website, kita akan dihubungi melalui telepon untuk memberitahukan jadwal wawancara kita.
Pada saat itu gw udah mulai mengalami yang namanya MENUNGGU. Gw kan sempet contact ama temen-temen lain yang juga ikutan test ini, dan beberapa dari mereka udah di hubungi. Itu yang bikin gw panik, bertanya-tanya "Kok gw gak ditelpon-telpon ya?". Sekitar 3 hari setelah pengumuman barulah gw dihubungi via telpon. Gw diberitahu untuk hadir wawancara pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2008 jam 08.00 pagi di gedung management perusahaan tersebut.
Jadi dengan bermodal kepercayaan diri, datanglah gw pada hari tersebut dengan sangat bersemangat. Gw sampai di gedung itu jamg 06.40 (Hahahaha...pagi banget!) Ini sih karena pertimbangan takut macet dan sebagainya lah, bukan karena gw sangat bersemanagat loh...hehehe...
Sesampainya disana penantian gw pun dimulai...
Setelah menunggu sekitar 1 jam, akhirnya ada seorang petugas yang datang menghampiri kita. Memberikan beberapa form yang harus kami isi. Gw dan teman-teman seperjuangan gw sampe bertanya-tanya, "apa mereka gak nyimpen data kita ya? sampe kita harus ngisi data diri berkali-kali gini...". Tapi kami gak bisa berbuat apa-apa selain ngisi tu form.
Penantian pun berlanjut. Selesai mengisi form, kami diinstruksikan untuk menuju ke lantai 3, tempat ruang wawncara berada. Setelah menuggu beberapa lama, kami di beri daftar absen. Di list itu nama gw ada di urutan 12 dari 14 orang...HUaaaaa...udah bete aja gw, pasti lama banget tuh nunggu nya...
Saat menunggu giliran wawancara, gw sempet kenalan ama peserta test yang lain. Ternyata yang wawancara hari ini semua dari Ekonomi, ada yang akuntansi, ada yang manajemen. Kita semua dari uni yang berbeda-beda. Jadi obrolan pun jadi beragam.
Di sela-sela waktu kami menunggu, datang lah sebuah kabar dari seorang rekan yang sudah selesai di wawancara. Dia mengabarkan bahwa kami semua yang diwawancara di minggu kedua ini sudah pasti tidak diterima sebagai MT (Management Trainee), Ugh...Sebel gak sih dengernya...kita semua hanya ditawari jabatan Fungsional, which is Staff Biasa. Hahaha...that was the phrase of the day. Semuanya jadi kehilangan semangat dan mulai bete. Tapi untungnya ada salah satu dari kami yang mulai bikin joke-joke tentang kenyataan kami gak akan jadi MT, ini bikin suasana jadi cair kembali. Semua jadi tampak lebih fresh lagi. Setelah ngobrol ngalor ngidul lagi, gak terasa waktu udah menunjukkan pukul 12.00 siang. Salah satu pewawancara mengabarkan kalo kami akan istirahat dan akan dimulai lagi pukul 12.30. Jadilah kami pergi untuk istirahat, sholat dan makan siang. Setelah sholat, ternyata udah jam 12.20, jadilah gak sempet makan siang. Akhirnya kita langsung ke atas lagi. Untungnya tadi sempet dibagikan snack, jadi lumayan ada ganjel..hehehe...
Lalu, penantian pun berlanjut. Ternyata wawancara baru dimulai lagi pukul 13.00...ngaret setengah jam, sangat Indonesia lah yaa...
Tiap orang yang keluar dari ruangan pasti langsung kami serbu dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan "ditanyain apa aja tadi" "ditawarin ke bagian apa" "Loe jawabnya gimana?" yaaa something like that...
Akhirnya sampai juga giliran gw, jam udah menunjukkan pukul 15.00...hahaha...udah keburu lecek banget gw...
Di dalam ruangan, gw ditanya soal interest gw di bagian mana, trus pengetahuan gw tentang interest gw itu. Mostly, gw bisa jawab, walaupun ada beberapa yang agak terbata-bata.
So, in conclusion gw telah menunggu selama sekitar 8 jam untuk sebuah wawancara yang hanya berlangsung sekitar 20 menit. Hahahaha....
I hope it all worth it, and I'll be accepted in this company...Hopefully....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I Read a Lot!
Yup, in the last two months I read a lot of books.
Lets count. I guess I read about 7 (seven) books. That's quite a lot. For me who used to read only one book in weeks or even months. Hahaha...
Those books are:
* The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
* Ciao Italia: Catatan Petualangan Empat Musim by Gama Harjono
* Divortiare by Ika Natassa
* A Very Yuppy Wedding by Ika Natassa (also)
* Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata
* The Naked Traveler by Trinity
* Winter in Tokyo by Ilana Tan
From all those books, my favorite will be Divortiare and Laskar Pelangi. Both has very different stories.
Divortiare is about a young talented woman, who has just got divorce from his husband. But, she still cannot really forget about his ex-husband and keep on comparing all the men near him with his ex. It is a quite thick novel, but I finished it in less than 24 hours. It's kind of amazing that I used to finish reading one book for a long time, and I can finish this one in less than a day. Hahaha...
The other one is Laskar Pelangi, one of Indonesia's Best Seller novel. This novel is about, the life and education of children in Belitong. How they try to let the world know that they and their school exist. How they learn thing in a really poor school. What they were doing together as Laskar pelangi. This is a really good book. It inspires people to care more about education in Indonesia, especially in the rural areas, in the villages.
Well, I'll just keep on reading books. Lots and lots more I guess...
Lets count. I guess I read about 7 (seven) books. That's quite a lot. For me who used to read only one book in weeks or even months. Hahaha...
Those books are:
* The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
* Ciao Italia: Catatan Petualangan Empat Musim by Gama Harjono
* Divortiare by Ika Natassa
* A Very Yuppy Wedding by Ika Natassa (also)
* Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata
* The Naked Traveler by Trinity
* Winter in Tokyo by Ilana Tan
From all those books, my favorite will be Divortiare and Laskar Pelangi. Both has very different stories.
Divortiare is about a young talented woman, who has just got divorce from his husband. But, she still cannot really forget about his ex-husband and keep on comparing all the men near him with his ex. It is a quite thick novel, but I finished it in less than 24 hours. It's kind of amazing that I used to finish reading one book for a long time, and I can finish this one in less than a day. Hahaha...
The other one is Laskar Pelangi, one of Indonesia's Best Seller novel. This novel is about, the life and education of children in Belitong. How they try to let the world know that they and their school exist. How they learn thing in a really poor school. What they were doing together as Laskar pelangi. This is a really good book. It inspires people to care more about education in Indonesia, especially in the rural areas, in the villages.
Well, I'll just keep on reading books. Lots and lots more I guess...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
by Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat
Do you hear me,
Talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
One of my favorite song recently, heuheu..
Do you hear me,
Talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
One of my favorite song recently, heuheu..
Thursday, October 09, 2008
I'm 22 and Still Counting...

Yup, three days ago was my 22nd birthday...
First of all, I would like to say...Alhamdulillah, thanks Allah for the wonderful 22 years that I have had, and I hope the upcoming years would be more wonderful and I could give all my best to my surroundings...
This year, my birthday starts with my cellphone ringing in the middle of the night, hehehe... this rarely happens, used to be only SMSs in the middle of the night. It was my cousin, MbAchy and her friends...thanks guys for the prayers...then I continue to sleep, when I woke up in the morning, my mom and dad greet me Happy Birthday, and i found some SMSs in my cellphone mostly from my friends...and during the day it still comes...
On my birthday, like every other birthday I have had, my mom cooked me Nasi Kuning, Fried Chicken, Scrambled bean curd and sambel...hmmmm yummm....
In the afternoon, I went to hang out with my best friends, Elvin, Citra, Rahmi and Dito. We went to one of the Mall in Pekanbaru. We had a late lunch there, and just window shop. Until one moment when Elvin told us to separate, me with him and Dito, then Rahmi with Citra...It was so obvious that they want to find a present for me...hehehe...
After that we went to Rahmi's house, because her mom and dad will go out of town so she has to meet them. We prayed Maghrib there. Then we went to Citra's. We spent time chatting and taking pictures there. Here, they gave me the present, I got a really nice tote bag..Thank you guys...
Then, Elvin and Dito took me home, I thank them for the day...
This was one of the memorable birthday I had, simple things happen but nice.
I'm really hoping that all my dreams will come true and I will have wonderful upcoming years...
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