Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Read a Lot!

Yup, in the last two months I read a lot of books.
Lets count. I guess I read about 7 (seven) books. That's quite a lot. For me who used to read only one book in weeks or even months. Hahaha...

Those books are:
* The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
* Ciao Italia: Catatan Petualangan Empat Musim by Gama Harjono
* Divortiare by Ika Natassa
* A Very Yuppy Wedding by Ika Natassa (also)
* Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata
* The Naked Traveler by Trinity
* Winter in Tokyo by Ilana Tan

From all those books, my favorite will be Divortiare and Laskar Pelangi. Both has very different stories.
Divortiare is about a young talented woman, who has just got divorce from his husband. But, she still cannot really forget about his ex-husband and keep on comparing all the men near him with his ex. It is a quite thick novel, but I finished it in less than 24 hours. It's kind of amazing that I used to finish reading one book for a long time, and I can finish this one in less than a day. Hahaha...

The other one is Laskar Pelangi, one of Indonesia's Best Seller novel. This novel is about, the life and education of children in Belitong. How they try to let the world know that they and their school exist. How they learn thing in a really poor school. What they were doing together as Laskar pelangi. This is a really good book. It inspires people to care more about education in Indonesia, especially in the rural areas, in the villages.

Well, I'll just keep on reading books. Lots and lots more I guess...


TiQi Bo said...

Buku2 itu keren tuh, hehe...
Keep up the good work of reading, Za! Tar critain gw isinya apa, biar gw ga repot baca... =p

Aziza Iskandar said...

siap bu...
nanti gw baca, trus loe ntar tinggal tanya aja...hehehe...